Monday, 18 February 2019

Week 3- Internet Communication

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Assalamualaikum & hi everyone! I'm back for another update 😊

For week 3, I have learned about Search Engines and Online Database, and also Computer Mediated Communication and ESL. 

First of all, what is search engine? It is a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web. For example, Google, Bing and Yahoo have their own database. Not just that, it is also divided into 4 parts which are database, which the storage keeps all the indexed (keywords) web pages. Secondly, the web-crawlers on Spider. What's with the name? It's because it crawls all over the web page to collect the information. Thirdly, user interface which the user and a computer system interact, in particular the use of input devices and software. Lastly, the information retrieval system is the results shown according to its relevance. Besides that, there are many types of websites that we can explore as it helps us to find any information that we want. For example, we can go to Concordance, and it can help us in terms of getting the correct sentence of any words that we type. 

Here is the example of all type of webs!
Next, Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) and ESL is any form of of communication between 2 or more people via separate computer through network connection. It has two types of CMC, which are asynchronous CMC and synchronous CMC. Asynchronous CMC is a message that are not exchanged and replied to immediately while synchronous CMC is related with real time communication and is expected to be replied immediately. For example, the internet chat rooms. Besides that, we can also explore online course. If you are interested, you can go to and you can gain a lot of useful knowledge there! Also, collaborative learning really helps to enhance peer interactions. With the advantages of the internet, it proves that we really can improve our communication and interaction skill among people. 

Till then, thank you for reading my blog! Bye, assalamualaikum 👋

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