Monday, 15 April 2019

Week 11- ARCS Model

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Hello, hello, hello everyone! Assalamualaikum 😊
How are you guys doing? I hope everyone is doing great! As usual, here I am, going to update you about what I've learned for this week. 

In the previous week, Madam Azida has assigned us with variety of topics regarding instructional design. Some of them are ARCS, Assure, Dick and Carey and Rapid Prototyping. My teammates and I got a topic about ARCS Model

First of all, what is ARCS stands for? It is the initial for Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction
So, basically this model is focus more to the motivational aspects of learning environment. It was created by John Keller. Our lecturer also asked us to create a poster regarding the topic so here it is! 👇

Related imageOther than that, we also played some fun games through Kahoot! The whole class had so much fun while playing it as it creates tense to answer all the questions just within 15 to 20 seconds. 

Personally, I had so much fun and gained new knowledge regarding instructional design models. The knowledge is more understandable when we could play the games together because we had to memorize all the information as everyone wants to win! HAHAHAHAH 😆 All in all, it was a good experience for me to learn something new. Till then, take care everyone! Assalamualaikum & bye 💛

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