Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Week 12- Courseware: SmartBuilder

Assalamualaikum, hello guys! I'm back with new update, hehehe 😄
Sooooo... for this week, Madam Azida had taught us new topic which is about courseware 💻

Hmmm... hold on, what is actually courseware means? 💭
Okay, so courseware is a computer programs or other material designed for use in an educational or training courses. Then, Madam Azida also had introduced us with SmartBuilder, which it is the fastest e-learning tools for creating serious e-learning including scenarios, games, assessments and many more. 

After that, she asked us all to discuss on an interesting topic to teach with our group members. Me and my teammates had agreed to do Tenses as our topic. After that, we had to list out our target audience, objectives and how we're gonna make the lesson and exercise look interesting so that our target audience will feel interested and understand it well. She also showed us how to create a courseware using SmartBuilder and there are so many things to explore there!  
Image result for smartbuilder gif                                                                                                                     Image result for smartbuilder gif  
Then, my lecturer also asked us to create some pages to make sure that we are totally understand on how it works. Slowly but surely, I could manage to understand how to create it and had fun while making it! 👍

As for now, my teammates and I are still discussing on how to create the lesson and I hope that everything will go smoothly! Hehehe. I will tell you about the progress later, alright? 

Till then, take care everyone! 💛💋
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Monday, 15 April 2019

Week 11- ARCS Model

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Hello, hello, hello everyone! Assalamualaikum 😊
How are you guys doing? I hope everyone is doing great! As usual, here I am, going to update you about what I've learned for this week. 

In the previous week, Madam Azida has assigned us with variety of topics regarding instructional design. Some of them are ARCS, Assure, Dick and Carey and Rapid Prototyping. My teammates and I got a topic about ARCS Model

First of all, what is ARCS stands for? It is the initial for Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction
So, basically this model is focus more to the motivational aspects of learning environment. It was created by John Keller. Our lecturer also asked us to create a poster regarding the topic so here it is! 👇

Related imageOther than that, we also played some fun games through Kahoot! The whole class had so much fun while playing it as it creates tense to answer all the questions just within 15 to 20 seconds. 

Personally, I had so much fun and gained new knowledge regarding instructional design models. The knowledge is more understandable when we could play the games together because we had to memorize all the information as everyone wants to win! HAHAHAHAH 😆 All in all, it was a good experience for me to learn something new. Till then, take care everyone! Assalamualaikum & bye 💛

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Week 10- Instructional Design

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Assalamualaikum & hi once again 👋 
How are you guys doing? I hope you have a good day! Okay, as usual I will tell you about what have I learned for this week. 

Madam Azida has taught us the new topic which is about Instructional Design. First of all, basically instructional design is a systematic process to develop education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion. From my understanding, anyone who wants to create instructional design must be someone who can be expert in language and IT design. Moreover, they must create something that involves motivation and students' needs. Ohhh, not to forget that instructional design also involves in CALL as it creates computer course ware for learning. Plus, the course ware acts as the supplement and support the lesson and not as complete replacement. 

Learners needs: The gap between what learners want to get out of education and their current skills and knowledge. Skills or knowledge here means that it is based on the syllabus, survey, free writing and public records. Also, the learning outcomes are focused on whether the objectives are achieved or not as it gives aim to the learning experiences. Not just that, it is more to student oriented instead of teacher oriented. 

There are also approaches or methods to build effective learning solutions and it is stated in a model called as ADDIE MODEL. It includes methods such as Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate. For more understanding, I have provided the details below 👇
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Madam Azida also asked us to make a poster regarding this topic and my teammates and I have to make a poster and quiz about ARCS. No worries, I will update the poster here in next post, okay? Till now, thank you for your time reading this. Assalamualaikum & bye! 💓

Monday, 1 April 2019

Week 9- Explainer Video: Don't Text & Drive

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Assalamualaikum & hellooo everyone! I'm back with the new update for my learning for this week. As promised, I will show you the result of the explainer video that my teammates and I did for our assignment. 

To be honest, it was not easy to finish up the video. We have experienced some difficulties when we are doing the video as we had some problem with the timeline. However, we were so grateful that we could finish it on time, fuhhh 😅 

It was a good experience for us to learn on how to make an explainer video and be creative, even though actually... we are not that creative! 😆 Not to forget, Madam Azida has showed us all the videos in the class last week so that everyone can watch it. I was truly happy and glad that Madam liked all of our videos! Good job, guysss 😍💪

Alright... so I will give the link of our explainer video entitled "Don't Text and Drive" down below and make sure to watch it, okay? And remember guys, never text while driving, okaayyy? Remember your loved ones always! Okay, till next time... bye! 

Oh yaaa, click on this link to watch the video! 💜

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