Saturday, 2 March 2019

Week 5- Podcast Tutorial

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Assalamualaikum & hi! How is your day, everyoneeee? 💛
As for me, it is another update of my learning in week 5 ✌
So, let's begin!

Madam Azida had told us about assignment 2, which we have to create a podcast based on any topics that we want. She taught us that it is important to capturing the ideas of our topic. For example, we have to jot down any ideas or content for our topic so that we know what we are going to say for the podcast. Also, she reminded us that it is also important to utter the words naturally and do not depends on the script too much. Anddddd... don't forget to make it interesting and it doesn't need to be too long! 😂

Another important note is that we have to do some readings and prepare the facts so that we can master the topic that we are going to present. Besides that, if we are confident with the podcast topic, we can convince the listeners easily. 
Some of the in-the-studio tools are:
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  • Sound dampening: Soft furniture
  • Interviewing/co-heating: Skype
  • Live-streaming: Google Hangouts on air
  • Call recording: Google voice
  • Voice mail: Simple voice box                                                                                                                                                                           

We also being taught about how to edit the recording voice using Audacity or Bandlap. For me, it was a good exposure as I've never tried this application before. Thus, if I need to apply this on the future, at least I can get the idea on how to do it later. 

Till next post, bye! 💛

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